Hey Everyone!
I just thought I would do a quick post with a couple pictures from work. While its a lot of hard work and long hours... we have fun! As pictured below is our Nerf Gang! We are responsible for midday ambushes on unsuspecting victims.
One day (before my own Nerf gun purchase) I was sitting at my desk working away and all of a sudden I hear a ton of Nerf gun noise , so I look over and outside of an office door there were about 8 people all shooting the person in the office. Just another day at work :)
The picture below was taken at work but after hours. That was on Guy Fawkes Day and that is the giant box of explosives as stated in a previous post. From left to right is Tiffany, Carla, Me, Katie, Matt, Levi, and Kate.
Matty, I love the pictures of you and your co-workers! What a fun-looking group!! I'm happy you are having a great time and understand you are working hard, too! Love, Mom