Sorry its been so long, its been quite busy at work. But we just wanted to say a Happy (but late) Thanksgiving to everyone back in the States. And as some of you may know, my birthday lands right around the holiday, so I've got a couple stories and pictures to share!
On my birthday, I went to work like any other day, got some happy birthdays from coworkers... very nice. Then a couple of my officemates came in with a bunch of cookies and cupcakes they made for me! It was so sweet and very delicious! Heres a picture of them
Then right around lunch time a bunch of animators came into our little office... now at first I thought, oh no this is going to be a Nerf gun massacre. But then they all started singing happy birthday! I thought wow thats really nice that they care that much... THEN through the middle of everyone comes Carla holding this birthday cake!! I couldnt believe it! I was so surprised and I couldnt believe how everyone cared so much to organize all of this! It was amazing! The people I work with are pretty awesome :) (Side not to all aspiring animators out there, no matter what studio you work at, its the people that make it an awesome place to work.)And heres a portion of the animators... the office is pretty small and our team is growing every week so I couldnt fit everyone in the frame. It was amazing! I did have to black out the bottom left corner of the picture because it had some of my monitor on it and what Im working on is TOP SECRET :)
Ohhh the birthday fun doesnt stop there! So that was Tuesday that all of that happened. Then last night, on Friday, Im working away and enjoying my drink from the drink trolley... wait side note... not sure if Ive told you before but every Friday at around 5pm the high ups at the studio come around with the "Drink Trolley" serving alcohol to all us workers, I know, Awesome!
AND back to the story, so on Friday after the drink trolley came around, Carla all of a sudden shows up at work! Im not even sure why, then I look to all of the other animators and they say "We're going out! Happy Birthday!" haha They wanted to take me out for my birthday but never got a chance to so they decided to do it then. They (and my sneaky little Carla) had planned it all week! So after work, we all went across the street to the Sale St Bar!
Heres me and my glass of Kiwi beer! Pretty good!
Here is the group that I went out with. These are all of the people that I share my office with (I know they really like to pack us in). Great bunch of people! And then theres sneaky little Carla down in the right corner... Shes pretty great too :)

SALE ST! Whoooo!
Oh and of course animating shots at work isnt enough, I still had to take more shots at the bar.... ok so maybe animation humor isnt that funny. ANYway they felt that I NEEDED to have a birthday shot... and in light of all of the effort they put out, I felt it was the least I could do.

And then TURKEY DAY! Since Ive been Calling Carla "sneaky" this whole post, Im going to go ahead and keep it up. After all she did give me a hard time in one of the last ones... (I told you Id get you back!) haha So my beautiful little sneaky Carla was incredible and made such an amazing Thanksgiving meal all by herself. It was all ready by the time I got off work. I couldnt believe how much food she made because if youve seen pictures of our apartment youd know that we really dont have much to work with. But how ever it happened (Ahhh another reason to call her sneaky) she made all of this outstanding food that was perfectly cooked and so full of flavor! And to top it all off it was the first Thanksgiving meal she has ever made! Im one lucky guy :)
SALE ST! Whoooo!
And then TURKEY DAY! Since Ive been Calling Carla "sneaky" this whole post, Im going to go ahead and keep it up. After all she did give me a hard time in one of the last ones... (I told you Id get you back!) haha So my beautiful little sneaky Carla was incredible and made such an amazing Thanksgiving meal all by herself. It was all ready by the time I got off work. I couldnt believe how much food she made because if youve seen pictures of our apartment youd know that we really dont have much to work with. But how ever it happened (Ahhh another reason to call her sneaky) she made all of this outstanding food that was perfectly cooked and so full of flavor! And to top it all off it was the first Thanksgiving meal she has ever made! Im one lucky guy :)
So here are a couple pictures from our first Thanksgiving as a married couple, and our first Thanksgiving in another country where they dont actually celebrate the holiday. It was perfect and made us feel a little bit at home :)
YUM!! Im still enjoying leftovers!
YUM!! Im still enjoying leftovers!
Carla, that meal looks fantastic...great job. Happy Birthday Matt; it looks like you had a really good time. It is so nice to hear from you guys! We love you.