That's how we say "hi" down here! Haha So Carla and I are having a lot of fun in the new place. There's still some tough days where we are really missing home and still getting use to how different everything is.
That's why we decided to make our first home cooked meal something familiar... Spaghetti! And it was actually very good!
Then last Friday a bunch of animators from work invited Carla and I to Japanese food after work. Now if any of you know me, I'm a very picky eater, so I was nervous! BUT we figured why not! Lets give it a try! And we were very pleasantly surprised! The food was great and the company was ever better. It was so nice for Carla and I to get out and socialize. And the animators from work are amazing people, and they were cracking us up. A truly great time!
Now I bet you're wondering why I titled this post something so random like "Guy Fawkes Day". Well, that is a holiday here and quite a funny one at that. In the 1600's there was a man by the name of Guy Fawkes and he tried to blow up the Parliament with gunpowder giving his plan the famous name of "the Gunpowder Plot". And he failed. So basically, New Zealand celebrates his failure haha! Funny huh!? In a strange way this is like the USA's July 4th because its celebrated with fireworks.
We went up to the 13th floor of this apartment building to our friends place and you could really see the whole city. It was so beautiful, and you can't really tell from the picture but there were fireworks going off EVERYWHERE! Off of rooftops, in the middle of the streets, parks... everywhere!
We had gone up to the apartment because Matt and Tiffany (two of the animators from work) had bought a BIG box of fireworks. So we grabbed that and headed down to the park. On the way we saw the Sky Tower, which is very pretty at night.
Carla liked to keep her distance from the fireworks. I don't blame her, we're not used to fireworks since they're illegal in Nevada. That's why it was strange when a cop drove right past us while holding a huge box of explosives and he just smiled!
Below is Matt holding what is humbly named "The Brick". Haha! And in the background is Kate. I think she was imitating how everyone was running after lighting the fuse. Oh and on a side note, most of the people we were with were Australians. Apparently fireworks are illegal in Australia too, so these guys were QUITE excited to be setting this off!
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